MDX vs Markdoc: Why We Choose MDX for Dynamic Documentation

When it comes to building rich documentation with embedded components, two approaches have emerged: MDX and Markdoc. Both offer distinct benefits, but our experience shows that MDX provides the dynamic capabilities and flexibility required for modern, interactive documentation workflows.

The Discussion: MDX vs Markdoc

Consider the following thesis from a well-known GitHub FAQ on this topic:

MDX is great but when you use MDX, your MDX content is stored as code within your ".md" files. Markdoc lets you build and use your own custom components (e.g. YouTube embed, Twitter embed, Carousel, etc) within your markdown files with a special syntax. Your content is stored as text without having to leak code (imports or JSX) into your ".md" files. You can build validations, type-safety and all sorts of customisations for your custom components with Markdoc. If you're still not convinced, hear this, you can pass Markdoc content as string (just like any other string) throughout your application, store it in local storage or send it as params over the network. IMHO, Markdoc based content authoring gives you the full flexibility of markdown without the limits of the markdown syntax.

While this thesis highlights Markdoc’s approach to keeping Markdown content purely textual, it also underscores some trade-offs.

Why We Favor MDX

Here’s why we choose MDX over Markdoc for our documentation needs:

  • Dynamic Rendering: MDX allows you to embed React components directly within your Markdown content. This means you can integrate interactive elements, dynamic data, and complex logic seamlessly.

  • Robust Ecosystem: MDX is widely adopted and supported by a large community. Its integration with popular frameworks and tools makes it easier to get started and find resources when needed.

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Although MDX content is stored as code, this enables a more powerful authoring experience. Embedding components directly in your content means you can reuse components and pass dynamic props without extra configuration.

  • Runtime Capabilities: MDX’s runtime nature allows for immediate, interactive previews and real-time updates. This is invaluable for modern documentation workflows where content needs to be both live and interactive.


Both MDX and Markdoc have their merits, but when it comes to creating dynamic, interactive documentation that leverages modern React capabilities, MDX stands out. Its seamless integration with React, extensive community support, and runtime interactivity make it ideal for today’s documentation needs.

Which approach do you prefer for your projects? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

Happy documenting!